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Thursday, December 6, 2018

What is the best way to get a job on LinkedIn?

You may have heard that 87% of recruiters are now using LinkedIn to source new candidates.
So you’re wondering how, with nearly half a billion LinkedIn Users, what do you need to do to stand out of the crowd and get noticed by recruiters.
There are many ways, but you asked for the best one, so I’m going to give it you.
It’s got nothing to do with your profile picture, or the number of connections you have, or if your profile is “All-Star”.
The best way to find a new job using LinkedIn is by helping people.
Now you might be thinking “Woah! Helping people? I told you I am the one that needs a new job. Why should I spend my time helping others when I’m the one that needs help?”
You might also be thinking “But I wanted to know what’s the best way to apply for posted jobs in LinkedIn. Is that what it’s for?”
Let me explain.
LinkedIn was design to be a professional networking tool.
Sure, it’s evolved since then. Part of that evolution was to be a tool for recruiters to advertise jobs.
Yes, you can apply for jobs on LinkedIn, but so can your competition.
So the question is, how can you best use LinkedIn to make you stand out from your competition so that you get the job and not them.
That is by using LinkedIn for what it was originally designed to be -a networking tool.
Now when you hear “networking” you picture a formal seminar with fancy PowerPoint presentations and a free buffet hosted at some hotel sponsored by a company.
But in it’s deepest sense, networking means offering value to the person you are trying to connect with first, leveraging the power of reciprocity.
Reciprocity - “In social psychologyreciprocity is a social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kind actions”
In other words, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”
In find-a-job terms, “You help me, and I’ll help you find a job. (When the time comes)”
80% of the job market is hidden.
You want to know the most effective way of finding a job? Start tapping into that hidden market.
The only way you can do that is by making it known to the people who have the power to hire for that hidden position that you are available to do that job - and they owe you!
So if you really want to start leveraging the power of LinkedIn, here are some basic back scratching steps to get you started in the right direction.
#1 Find the people
Do an advanced search and find people by:
  • Country / Province
  • Industry
  • Target Company (if you know them)
  • Job Title (1–2–3 levels higher up from your target job title)
Make a list of all the people you find.
#2 Do some research about them and their company
  • Find and follow the company’s they work for
  • Google them
  • Read any articles they have written
#3 Connect with them (pay special attention here)
  • Send a personalized note to each of them during your connection
  • Personalize it. Use the Add Note feature from your desktop. Use the Three Dots or Arrow from your cell phone
  • Nothing spells “Rejection” than a blank LinkedIn request. So use the research you gathered to personalize that note, or don’t bother sending it at all
    • You can talk about the company they work for and what you like about it
    • You can talk about an article they wrote and what you learned from it
    • You can talk about a market trend in your industry and share it with them and ask their “valued” opinion
#4 Start Helping
Once you have made that connection, resist all temptations (and I do mean ALL) of asking them for a job.
Asking people for jobs when they are not bringing up the subject themselves puts them on the defensive and creates an awkward moment.
From that point on, that person will start avoiding you because they know that you might bring it up again.
Instead, start helping people, and as long as you are speaking to a human being with half a hearth, the power of reciprocity will gain their trust and eventually land you your next job when the time comes.
How can you help?
Try one of more of the following
  1. Share content you read about your industry with them, making note of what you personally like about the article.
  2. Follow the company’s they work for and quote any newsworthy content you find and ask questions and your opinions about it
  3. Join LinkedIn groups they belong to and discover new content from there
  4. Follow them on LinkedIn, and if they share any piece of content, make sure you like/comment/share and provide your insight on it.
  5. For more advanced help offering, taken note of any volunteering opportunities from the company’s communities and offer your services.
  6. In communities like North America, senior executives are big on community service. If you offer to volunteer and help them from that angle, you get the ultimate face-time with them.
When you’re on the search for work, LinkedIn should be your primary go-to for social networking.
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can wait until after you find your job. (Unless you can leverage it for professional networking through volunteering for example)
Recruiters and hiring managers are always looking for the best talent to fill a job.
But they don’t owe you anything.
They won’t go out of their way to consider your application.
They will use the easiest channels to fill vacancies, and that usually turns up in the form of filtered lists of applicants that applied to the job posting or (and this is critical) people they already know.
And your resume may not turn up. Or they don’t know you.
So make them take just a little more effort to consider your application, even if it did not turn up on the filter listed from LinkedIn.
Make them trust you by getting to know you.
You can accomplish that by proving your value and commitment to your industry and the help you provided them in the past.
Once you have provided them adequate value and you see an opportunity arise, they will be more willing to consider your application when the opportunity arises.
The right opportunity to ask for help is after you have helped someone else and not before.
So what are you waiting for?
Thanks to social media, it’s never been an easier time to help people.
You can do it at the comfort of your own home while you touch people’s lives while sitting on your couch, engaging people’s interested via LinkedIn.
Start by tuning up your LinkedIn profile and stop making these 7 critical mistakes first.
Once you have setup your foundation, you can start helping people and you will be well on your way to that next job.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What are some of the weirdest medical practices that have ever happened before science came in and found a better way?

Historically, there have been plenty of ridiculous medical practices. At their best they were simply unhelpful and at their worst they were harmful.
Whenever I think about strange medical practices, I first think about the 19th century concept of “female hysteria”.
Although at multiple times prior to the 19th century societies recognized that women experienced sexual desire, by the 19th century this information was largely forgotten. Women were thought to entirely lack sexual desire and merely be receptacles for male lust.
So women complained to their doctors and midwives of a broad range of symptoms including a heaviness in the pelvis, wetness between the legs, insomnia, restlessness and frustration.
Gee, I wonder what that could possibly represent?
There was really no good excuse for not knowing this information. The Quakers and the Puritans all recognized female sexual desire (within a marriage). But this information conflicted with the 19th century view of women as pure and the moral core of society.
Doctors to the rescue!
Doctors and midwives massaged vegetable oil on the clitorises of women suffering from hysteria as well as inserted fingers into their vagina. They did this until the woman reached “paroxysms”.
Paroxysms weren't orgasms of course. Women couldn’t have orgasms.
The woman would leave feeling better for a period of time until she required a repeat treatment.
This was really a win-win for physicians. It provided a reliable income stream. It was one of the few times they weren’t actively harming patients with a proposed treatment.
Naturally, all of that masturbating was pretty tiring. Luckily, necessity is the mother of all invention.
So doctors decided to outsource this tiring work to technology.
That’s right, you can thank the repressive sexual ideas of the 19th century for the vibrator currently sitting in your nightstand drawer! (I hope it doesn’t look like this one).
Cabinet magazine
In fact, the vibrator was only the fifth household appliance to be electrified, arriving immediately after the toaster. It beat vacuums to the house by 100 years.
And of course, science didn’t really ‘find a better way’ as indicated in the question. We just got less oblivious to the realities of female sexuality and then the entire diagnosis of female hysteria disappeared.
Multiple people have pointed out in the comment section that as of last year there is some suspicion that some or all of the story is apocryphal. I haven’t had a chance to read through those links yet. I do know I’ve read about this in multiple sources including medical texts (but of course inaccurate information can get propagated). I have also read descriptions of vibrators that were water-based at home to be attached to a faucet prior to electricity.
So I will do some more reading. The concept of female hysteria is well-documented as is the “wandering uterus” theory. It never fully went away until Freud (and of course his ideas weren't accurate either)

Who are the most evil humans in history that most people have never heard of?

  1. Elizabeth bathory - She used to bath in blood of her servants after killing them, she used to take bath in blood of the young girls to keep her skin look vibrant and youthful. She killed over 650 girls. It was believed that she used to had cannibalistic tendencies and she would eat her servants and then bath in their blood.
2. Vlad Dracula
He was also known as Vlad the Imapler. He was renowned for methods in which he used to kill people. His common method was Impalement , it was possibly most horrible and painful methods of execution.He was known to roast children and made their OWN PARENTS EAT THEIR KID. He has been renamed as the most evil person in history. Some even say that after his death , he came back as DRACULA.
In my views he is from one of cruel people ever walked on earth. He renowned for his anti - christian sentiments he would poison , stab , death , kill , burn Christians. He ultimately blamed Rome Christians for great fire of Rome , for which he was responsible for himself.
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Thanks for 3k views and let me add more names . Above were names mentioned including of white people ,now tell me if you are white and if you have ever experienced black people saying that “blacks were treated as slaves by white people.”
Well in that case there is a counter argument for white people i.e. back people also behaved way more racist when they had power in their hands
4. Idi Amin
He was the cruelest man. He was the president of Uganda. He joined British colonial army in 1946. He gained bad reputation from the very first day. He ordered massive killings motivated by political factors.
Indians were forced out of their homes and were sent back and many were shot And Indians are still supporting Uganda tourism and showing love to Uganda even after facing bad behaviour from black people.
5. Talat Pasha
-He was the Grand Vizier of the Sultan in the Ottoman empire from 1917 to 1918. In period of 1915, he declared an order to completely wipe out the Armenian race. People were beaten, tortured, robbed, raped and killed. All of the Armenians were forced into the concentration camps. People were overloaded with supplies and forced to trudge miles with no food and they were killed if they failed to continue. People were forced to be naked when they marched. The whole male population of Angora was completely exterminated. Many people were forced to rape their own family members. People were killed by bayonets, clubs, axes, hammers, spades, scythes, and saws and were given a horrifying death. Many had their private parts and sexual organs cut off. Many people were burned in fire, drowned in water, poisoned, dismembered, crucified, boiled in unbearable hot water and were beaten to death. Out of the population of 2.5 million Armenians, 1 million people to 1.5 million people were killed. He was assonated in year 1921 by a Armenian assassination squad.
- Namaste from Batman

Who are the most evil humans in history that most people have never heard of?

This is Junko Furuta:
She was an average Japanese teenager who lived a good life, until one day the four most vile, horrendous and disgusting humans in all of history snatched that life away from her.
Now, this next part will elaborate on the truly despicable and sickening things the four boys did, and why they deserve a special layer of Hell reserved for them.
Seriously, don’t scroll down if you don’t think you can handle it. Mental scarring and trauma may occur.
On November 25, 1988 Junko Furuta was kidnapped by 4 teenage boys – one of them being Hiroshi Miyano, who had been rejected by her when he asked her out. The boys took Junko Furuta to the house owned by the parents of one of the kidnappers in the Ayase district of Adachi, Tokyo.
While in captivity, the kidnapers forced Junko Furuta to call her parents and tell them that she’d run away and is going to stay with a friend, but insist that she’s not in danger. Not able to realize what was coming and too scared to remain non-compliant, Junko did exactly as she was told, ultimately forestalling a manhunt which would have otherwise followed her disappearance.
Parents of Nobuharu Minato in whose house Junko Furuta was kept paid their son a visit on a few occasions but under a threat of increased violence against her, Junko was requested to pretend that she was a girlfriend of one of the boys. However even when it became apparent that she was a captive in the house, the parents did nothing for fear of retaliation from Hiroshi Miyano who was known to have the Yakuza connections.
During the course of 44 days following her kidnapping, Junko Furuta was forced to withstand unspeakable suffering. What she went through before murder included:
-Was humiliated by being kept naked most of the time
-Was raped every day in both vagina and anus. More than 100 men are believed to have raped her – the captor with Yakuza connections is said to have invited other Yakuza members to have a go at a 16 year old. She’s estimated to have gone through about 500 rapes. At one point she was raped by 12 different men in one day
-Endured physical beatings included hits with golf clubs and bashing of face against cement floor
-The 100 men who are believed to have raped her had also reportedly enjoyed urinating on the girl
-Frequently, in order to turn her rapists on, she was forced to masturbate in front of them and/or their guests
-Had various objects forced into her vagina and anus, including a bottle, an iron bar, scissors, roasting needles, grilled chicken skewers, etc.
-Was provided with only limited supply of food or water
-Was forced to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine
-Had fireworks forced up her ass and set them off, causing serious burns
-Had her left nipple ripped off with pliers
-Had dumbbells dropped on her stomach while laid on the floor with hands and feet tied up – this resulted in loss of bowel control
-Was hanged from the ceiling and used as boxing bag
-Was kept in a freezer for several hours
-Had eye lids burned with hot wax and lighters
-Had breasts pierced with sewing needles
-Had her vagina and clitoris burnt with cigarettes and lighters
-Had hot, lit on bulb inserted into her vagina and rubbed until it exploded inside
While she was only one quarter through her ordeal, owing to ongoing beatings, Junko Furuta was unable to breathe through her nose due to accumulation of blood in her cavities. Her traumatized internal organs refused to accept food and water so when she tried to drink, she instantly vomited, which not only kept her more dehydrated, it also agitated the perpetrators who punished her with more beating for soiling the carpet.
At one point, when the attackers were resting after drinking, she tried to call the police but was caught and punished by having her feet set on fire with burning lighter fluid. Large bottle the perpetrators forced up her anus caused internal injuries and ugly bleeding.
Severe leg burns and badly bruised muscles left her unable to walk after 20 days of her ordeal. She wasn’t able to handle anything with her hands anymore because her bones were smashed with weights and her fingernails cracked. Since it was winter, she was also forced to sleep on a balcony, exposed to cold temperatures.
After 30 days, Junko Furuta was unable to urinate properly due to damage to internal organs and to vulva from insertion of foreign object and burns from cigarettes and lighters. Her hands and feet were damaged so badly, it took her over an hour to crawl downstairs to the bathroom. Her eardrums were also damaged and brain size was reduced.
During the course of 44 days when she was repeatedly tortured, beaten and raped, Junko Furuta begged her captors several times to just kill her and be done with it. They didn’t grant her that favor. Instead, on January 4, 1989, they challenged her to a game of Mahjong solitaire. She won and that pissed the boys off so they treated her to a beating with an iron barbell and fire by setting her legs, arms, face and stomach alight after pouring lighter fluid on them. Being already badly beaten, dehydrated and malnutritioned, Junko Furuta fell into a shock and died the following day.
The murderers stuffed the dead girl’s body in a 55-gallon drum filled with concrete and disposed of it in Koto, Tokyo.
The names of four main captors who kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered Junko Furuta were withheld by the Japanese court because they were juveniles, however the journalists from the Shūkan Bunshun magazine dug them out and publish them stating that after what they did to Junko Furuta, they don’t deserve anyone to uphold their human rights:
Hiroshi Miyano – 18 year old at the time of the crime. Changed his name to Hiroshi Yokoyama
Jō Ogura – 18 year old at the time of the crime. Changed his name to Jō Kamisaku (神作譲)
Shinji Minato (– 16 year old at the time of the crime, some sources refer to him as Nobuharu Minato
Yasushi Watanabe – 17 year old at the time of the crime
All four perpetrators were caught and tried. However because they were all under-aged when the crime was committed, they were to be tried as juveniles, but eventually faced sentences of adults, except that the court withheld their identities. Still, given the severity of their crimes, the sentences they were handed out were rather low. By now, each of them is already out of jail. Three of the boys served less than 8 years, the leader was originally sentenced to 17 years in prison, but after his appeal, instead of lowering his sentence, judge Ryūji Yanase bumped his sentence to 20 years. The same judge also increased the sentenced for two more boys who appealed. One didn’t so his sentence stayed as was. Either way, they’re all in their late 30′s and all out of jail.
This, I feel, is the worst part. Do these vicious, brutal, barbarians not deserve the death trial? Being juveniles is no excuse for the unspeakable acts of horror they committed.
We can only hope something like this never happens again.

How long would humans survive if the sun disappeared?

If the sun went out, we would all eventually die, but what would kill us and how long would it take?
First, once the sun is extinguished, the temperature of the earth will eventually drop to somewhere around 10 degrees above absolute zero, give or take. Those who cannot protect themselves from the cold will die first. How fast the earth cools will vary dramatically.
The surface of the earth isn’t going to get super cold immediately, but it will be fast. I would guess that somewhere around the third day it’s going to start to be uncomfortable for anyone without a good heat source. After a week the average earth temperature will be freezing. 0 deg Celsius, 32 deg Fahrenheit. It will vary tremendously depending on where you live.
It will stay warmer longer near the oceans and get colder faster the farther you get from them and obviously what started out cold will just get colder. It will take 1–3 years for them to freeze over.
We can get by for months this way, as the earth slowly cools, but after a year the average surface temperature of the earth will be -73 degrees Celsius, -100 Fahrenheit. An awful lot of people will run out of food and water well before then though.
If you have a heat source you can survive much longer, but you’ll need food and water. Everyone who somehow managed to survive the cold but didn’t have an ongoing source of food and water will die when their food and water run out.
If someone lived near geothermal activity in a well insulated structure and managed to get both heat and electricity, (light) from it indefinitely and had a hydroponic farm, they could go on for 10 to 20 years before the oxygen started to get cold enough to turn to liquid and become rain made of oxygen, and then as it got progressively colder it would become snow.
Imagine going outside to get a pail of air to bring in and put over the fire so that it would warm up and you could breathe. So while earth still has plenty of oxygen, it’s not going to be in a form you can breathe. Let’s say that after about 30 years or so, everyone is dead.
There are microbes and other life at the bottom of the oceans by geothermal vents. They are too deep for the sun to reach them and use other means to survive. They will never notice the sun is missing and continue on as normal